My Trading Day ~ Thursday 9th June 2011

I was up quite early this morning, and was down in the kitchen at 6:30am with a cup of coffee replying to some emails that have come in overnight from Asia/Australia. During this email session I was also watching a couple of favourite charts on my laptop, and just before 7 o’clock I noticed a trade beginning to set up on my new trendFX system. Two minutes after 7am I was in a ‘long’ trade on Cable, and just over an hour later I was out with +30 pips added to my trading account.

It’s now 9 o’clock and I am going some breakfast and have another hour on emails, then we’re off before lunchtime to sort out stuff for our Paris trip tonight. A friend has rented us a Rolls Royce Phantom for the journey down, so we need to go into London to pick it up. I will report back later if I do any ‘eveningtrading.

Update 11:00pm – I did have a couple of trades tonight with my “Trade With A Day Job” system on my laptop while we were travelling down through France. My first trade at 5:15 was stopped out at minus 19 pips, but the second was ok and I managed +48 pips, so I ended the evening with a score of +29 pips. We are now safely installed in our hotel, and looking forward to seeing Ralph Lauren’s car collection in part of the Louvre Museum tomorrow.

Daily Target Reached ?  YES  (+59 pips) I traded early morning and this evening

This entry was posted on Thursday, June 9th, 2011 at 5:57 pm and is filed under Trading Days. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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