My Trading Day ~ Tuesday 10th May 2011

It’s 6am, and I am just having my first coffee of the morning while my 3 computers get going so I can set-up my charts on them. The plan is to trade for a few hours, and then get on with some emails and also concentrate on updating my 3 trading manuals. I will update this blog before lunchtime.

Update 12 midday: I had a nice morning’s trading but it has thrown up 2 interesting points that I would like to share with you. Firstly, if you have a daily target (which I highly recommend – mine is 20/25 pips per day) my trading this morning shows why you should stick to it religiously. I will describe my 1st trade in a moment, but I ended up with a profit of +83 pips using my “Any-Time” system, which was well above what I needed, so obviously I would ordinarily stop trading for the day. However, I had 2 guys come up from Essex to sort out a problem with one of my Morgans, and they were rather interested in my charts while sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee before starting their job out in the garage.  As I was explaining how I spot trades, a signal came up on the EUR/USD forex pair, so I obviously entered the trade – and you can guess what then happened ?? Yes, I was stopped out after a few minutes at -25 pips. If my first trade had only got me 25 pips, I would then be back to break-even, so you can see, if you reach your target for the day STOP TRADING. The 2nd point that came from this morning’s antics in the market was that trades that lose on my “Any-Time” system often will have another trade immediately afterwards that turn out to be winners. This is due to the way the markets work and because I understand how & why they operate, I have taken advantage of this occurrence and often end up with a small profit even after a losing trade.

Anyway, back to my trades, my first trade was on one of my favourite indexes, as when it does move, it goes quickly and with a decent amount of pips on offer (customers of that system have FULL details of this index) At 6:45 I had the start of a potential trade signal, and at exactly 7 o’clock I was in a LONG trade with this instrument. and exactly 30 minutes later I came out at +83 pips – and as previously mentioned, I thought my trading was finished for the day – as I was way above my daily target. At 8:15am a signal came up on the EUR/USD FX pair and as the two mechanics were watching my chart, I entered the trade to show them how easy it is to enter a trade. Eight minutes later, the price hit the stop loss (-25 pips) and I came out of the trade. Most of the time, there will be another trade quickly afterwards (in the same direction) which will turn out to be a winner, and true to form, I was back in the market at 9:03am, when the market moved rapidly downwards, and I came out after 2 minutes with +25 pips, so break even on those two trades – and still up +83 pips on the morning overall. While I am mentioning morning trading, there is one article I read every morning (it is emailed to me) and that is Simon Denholm’s Morning Market Commentary – it always has some pearls of wisdom. Give it a try and see what you think

The rest of the morning was spent answering emails from potential customers, and also dealing with a few websites who want to review my products.   I have been invited out to private track-day at the Snetterton racetrack (in Norfolk) this afternoon, and although I really must get on with updating my trading manuals, the chance to drive a friends Ferrari Enzo & D-Type Jaguar is too great to pass up.

Update 9 o’clock: I got back from Snetterton a bit later than I imagined, so I was not able to start watching my charts at the usual time (5 o’clock) but luckily by the time I sat down in my kitchen with my iPad at 5:45pm there had been no prior trade signals on my “Evening” system.

At 6pm I had both the signals I needed to be able to instigate a trade, and a few minutes later, the price had gone over the trigger level, so I was in a long trade. I took advantage of the indexes big rise (I have shown my customers how to do this) due to the fact I was showing a friend  how to earn a month’s salary in one evening. She seemed quite interested, but as she is an accountant, she was keen to point out all the downfalls rather than the upside – typical of her profession, even though my earnings in the past 2.5 hrs is more than her monthly salary !!  I shut the trade off just before 8:30pm with a score of +57 pips.   We are off to the pub now……..

Daily Target Reached ?  YES (+140 pips)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 at 10:16 am and is filed under Trading Days. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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