my trading day ~ wednesday 9th march

Up fairly early this morning (6 o’clock) and went out for a short (4 mile) cycle ride, and I was back in the office by 7:15am to catch up on a few emails before catching the train to London at 9am to buy a few things before flying off tomorrow.  I was back in Chelmsford by 3pm, so I called into Nandos for a quick bite to eat before returning home.

I sat down just after 5pm to watch for trades with my “Trade With A Day Job” evening system, and the markets were initially too volatile to trade, and then they settled into a narrow range, so by 7 o’clock I called it a day and sneaked off to the pub for a couple of hours. A few customers did email to say that they stayed watching their charts ALL EVENING and did manage +20 pips

Daily Target Reached? NO (no trades this evening & did not trade this morning)

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