my trading day ~ thursday 4th november 2010

Spent the day in London, seeing some friends for lunch.

My “Evening” trading system trade today kicked off just after 4pm and I traded on my laptop using a Vodafone dongle.  I started the trade while on the train back home, and stopped it off at 5:30 using the computer in my office, as I had got home by then. The usual +20 pips was achieved.

Being a bit of an ‘old git’ I constantly think of the ‘good old days’ compared with modern technology that enables me to trade with a computer on a train and I remember back to trading in the early 1990′s when I hand drew a FTSE100 and DowJones30 chart on graph paper, using the end-of-day figures from Reuters. I traded part-time in those days using my home-made ‘daily’ charts. They were not really ‘good old days’ – the amount of resources we have now makes trading so much more enjoyable, and more importantly – accessible to a lot more people.

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