my trading day ~ friday 11th june 2010

Hello to you all, I hope you have had a profitable week on the markets, if you are trading at the moment – if you are not, come and join me !!

After a bit of a night out and a lie-in,  I managed to get into my study by 9am hoping for a very short working morning. As I always do, I glanced through the charts of the instruments that I usually trade, but I could see already that there was not going to be  signal on any of them for quite a while – with my systems, you can generally see a trade signal building up quite a long way away – and the only hope I could see was on the Daily Cash S&P500 Index.

Sure enough, a signal came up on my “Any-Time” strategy, and I entered a trade on the S&P just before 9:30 and within the hour I had my daily target of +25 pips. The rest of the day I spent in town doing some errands, and I was back in front of my laptop at 5pm to trade my “Evening” system.

I had just one trade at 5:30 and netted myself a profit of +30 pips, so the day ended with an extra + 55 pips in my trading account.

I will probably go back to my ‘normal’ 4 day trading week next week – if you were wondering why I was trading today !

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