my trading day ~ wednesday 6th january 2010

Good morning – an early start today, but not trading initially. I spent the first few hours of the day helping neighbours get out of our small road after the large overnight snow falls. I returned to my ‘warm’ office at 11am to start my working day, and my first trade (with the “Any-Time” system) was signalled at 11:11am on the FTSE100 index. It was a short trade that hit its target of +8 pips very quickly.  I had another 2 trades before I broke for lunch with friends – the town seemed to be packed with people who could not make it into work – it looked like a Saturday shopping day !

Back in front of the screens just after 2pm – I had another 4 trades before I finished for the day just after 3pm – an early ending as I had some pressing errands to attend to. My total for my 4hr working day was +61 pips. If any of you would like details of the exact trades I took today, please email me by clicking HERE I compile this list and send it out every day to purchasers of this system so that they can check their own trades against mine.

I returned to my desk at 5pm for the evening strategy and mindful of the impending economic news at 7pm, I traded very carefully and managed a short trade of +3 pips before the market started going haywire – so I ended the day with a grand total of +64 pips.

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