my trading day ~ monday 30th november

Well – the last day of the month and I’ve missed most of the working day, having been in sunny (+cloudy, rainy) Blackpool since last Friday and only just got home. I am (just) in time to trade my “Trade With A Day Job” evening system. More of that in a moment.

I have just had a tot-up of my earnings for the month of November – and out of a possible 21 working days (Monday – Friday for 4 weeks) I had NINE days off for holidays, writing my new manual and 2 days off sick. My earnings with my “Any-Time” system for the 12 days I did go to work  have been 889 pips, which if you were trading at just £10 per pip, you would have earned £8,8890 !! At £20 per pip the total would have been nearly £18,000 !!  Although once you have been trading for a while, you will progress from trading around the £10 per pip level and have the potential to earn a lot more than this. A lot of people would be happy with £2000-£3000 per month tax free – think how many days you would need to earn that using my “Any-Time” system ? A lot less than the 12 days I spent this month I think.

Of the 12 days I did work – only a few of those were “Full Working Days” ie. 8 or 9 hours – mostly I work 5 to 7 hours per day. But first you have to start trading part-time, while you still have a ‘Day-Job’ which is where my “Trade With A Day Job” starter system comes in useful.  During the month of November this strategy was just ONE losing evening out of the 15 days I traded the system – and also one evening where there was no signal. A total of 224 pips came with that system last month, and even as a beginner trading at just £5 per pip, the potential was earnings of over £1100. Not bad for a part-time evening only business ?

As I mentioned earlier, I was back from ‘up north’ in time to trade my evening system, and the usual +20 pips was obtained.

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